cterasdk.edge.sync module#
- class cterasdk.edge.sync.CloudSyncBandwidthThrottling(edge)#
Edge Filer Cloud Sync Bandwidth Throttling APIs
- get_policy()#
Get the bandwidth throttling policy
- Returns:
a list of bandwidth throttling rules
- Return type:
- set_policy(rules)#
Set the bandwidth throttling policy
- Parameters:
rules (list[cterasdk.common.types.ThrottlingRule]) – List of bandwidth throttling rules
- class cterasdk.edge.sync.Sync(portal)#
Edge Filer Cloud Sync APIs
- Variables:
throttling (cterasdk.edge.sync.CloudSyncBandwidthThrottling) – Object holding the Edge Filer’s bandwidth throttling APIs
- evict(path, wait=False)#
Evict a directory from the Edge Filer
- Parameters:
path (str) – Directory path
wait (bool) – Wait for eviction task to complete, defaults to
- Returns:
A reference to the background task
- Return type:
- exclude_files(extensions=None, filenames=None, paths=None, custom_exclusion_rules=None)#
Exclude files from Cloud Sync. This method will override any existing file exclusion rules Use
to build custom file exclusion rules`- Parameters:
extensions (list[str]) – List of file extensions
filenames (list[str]) – List of file names
paths (list[str]) – List of file paths
rules (list[cterasdk.common.types.FilterBackupSet]) – Set of custom exclusion rules
- get_linux_avoid_using_fanotify()#
- get_status()#
Retrieve the Cloud Sync status
- is_disabled()#
Check if Cloud Sync is disabled
- is_enabled()#
Check if Cloud Sync is enabled
- refresh()#
Refresh Cloud Folders
- remove_file_exclusion_rules()#
Remove previously configured sync exclusion rules
- set_linux_avoid_using_fanotify(avoid)#
- suspend(wait=True)#
Suspend Cloud Sync
- Parameters:
wait (bool) – Wait for synchronization to stop
- unsuspend()#
Unsuspend Cloud Sync