File Browser#


FileBrowser.listdir(path, depth=None, include_deleted=False)

List Directory

  • path (str) – Path

  • include_deleted (bool,optional) – Include deleted files, defaults to False

with GlobalAdmin('') as admin:
   admin.login('admin-user', 'admin-pass')
   admin.files.listdir('Users/John Smith/My Files')
   admin.files.listdir('Users/John Smith/My Files', include_deleted=True)  # include deleted files

with ServicesPortal('') as user:
   user.login('username', 'user-password')
   user.files.listdir('My Files/Documents')
   user.files.listdir('My Files/Documents', include_deleted=True)  # include deleted files
FileBrowser.walk(path, include_deleted=False)

Walk Directory Contents

  • path (str) – Path to walk

  • include_deleted (bool,optional) – Include deleted files, defaults to False

with GlobalAdmin('') as admin:
   admin.login('admin-user', 'admin-pass')
   for element in admin.files.walk('Users/John Smith/My Files'):
      print(  # traverse John Smith's 'My Files' directory and print the name of all files and folders

with ServicesPortal('') as user:
   user.login('username', 'user-password')
   for element in user.files.walk('My Files/Documents'):
      print(  # as a user, traverse all and print the name of all files and folders in 'My Files/Documents'



List snapshots of a file or directory


path (str) – Path to the file or directory


List of snapshots, each containing: - startTimestamp: When the snapshot was created - calculatedTimestamp: When the snapshot was processed - current: Whether this is the current version - url: The URL path to access this snapshot’s contents

Return type:


with GlobalAdmin('') as admin:
   admin.login('admin-user', 'admin-pass')
   # List all snapshots for a path
   snapshots = admin.files.list_snapshots('Users/John Smith/My Files')
   for snapshot in snapshots:
      print(f"Snapshot from: {snapshot.startTimestamp}")
      print(f"URL: {snapshot.url}")
      # Access files in this snapshot using listdir
      files = admin.files.listdir(f"{snapshot.url}")

Download#, destination=None)

Download a file

  • path (str) – Path

  • destination (str,optional) – File destination, if it is a directory, the original filename will be kept, defaults to the default directory

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""'Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Sample.docx')

"""When logged in as a tenant user or admin"""'Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Sample.docx')
FileBrowser.download_as_zip(cloud_directory, files, destination=None)

Download a list of files and/or directories from a cloud folder as a ZIP file


The list of files is not validated. The ZIP file will include only the existing files and directories

  • cloud_directory (str) – Path to the cloud directory

  • files (list[str]) – List of files and/or directories in the cloud folder to download

  • destination (str,optional) – File destination, if it is a directory, the original filename will be kept, defaults to the default directory

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""
admin.files.download_as_zip('Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents', ['Sample.docx', 'Wizard Of Oz.docx'])

"""When logged in as a tenant user or admin"""
user.files.download_as_zip('Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents', ['Sample.docx', 'Wizard Of Oz.docx'])


FileBrowser.copy(*paths, destination=None)

Copy one or more files or folders

  • paths (list[str]) – List of paths

  • destination (str) – Destination

user.files.copy(*['My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'My Files/Documents/Burndown.xlsx'], destination='The/quick/brown/fox')

Create Directories#


Create a new directory


path (str) – Directory path

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""
admin.files.mkdir('Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents')

"""When logged in as a tenant user or admin"""
user.files.mkdir('My Files/Documents')

Create a directory recursively


path (str) – Directory path

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""
admin.files.makedirs('Users/John Smith/My Files/The/quick/brown/fox')

"""When logged in as a tenant user or admin"""


CloudDrive.rename(path, name)

Rename a file

  • path (str) – Path of the file or directory to rename

  • name (str) – The name to rename to

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""
admin.files.rename('Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'Wizard Of Oz.docx')

"""When logged in as a tenant user or admin"""
user.files.makedirs('My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'Wizard Of Oz.docx')



Delete one or more files or folders


path (str) – Path

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""
admin.files.delete(*['Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Wizard Of Oz.docx'])

"""When logged in as a tenant user or admin"""
user.files.delete(*['My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'My Files/Documents/Wizard Of Oz.docx'])



Recover one or more files or folders


path (str) – Path

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""
admin.files.undelete(*['Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Wizard Of Oz.docx'])

"""When logged in as a tenant user or admin"""
user.files.undelete(*['My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'My Files/Documents/Wizard Of Oz.docx'])


CloudDrive.move(*paths, destination=None)

Move one or more files or folders

  • paths (list[str]) – List of paths

  • destination (str) – Destination

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""
admin.files.move(*['Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'Users/John Smith/My Files/Documents/Wizard Of Oz.docx'], destination='Users/John Smith/The/quick/brown/fox')

"""When logged in as a tenant user or admin"""
user.files.move(*['My Files/Documents/Sample.docx', 'My Files/Documents/Wizard Of Oz.docx'], destination='The/quick/brown/fox')


CloudDrive.upload(path, destination)#

Upload a file

  • path (str) – Local path

  • destination (str) – Remote path

"""When logged in as a Global Administrator"""
admin.files.upload(r'C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Tree.jpg', 'Users/John Smith/My Files/Images')

"""Uploading as a tenant user or admin"""
user.files.upload(r'C:\Users\admin\Downloads\Tree.jpg', 'My Files/Images')

Collaboration Shares#

CloudDrive.share(path, recipients, as_project=True, allow_reshare=True, allow_sync=True)

Share a file or a folder

  • path (str) – The path of the file or folder to share

  • recipients (list[cterasdk.core.types.ShareRecipient]) – A list of share recipients

  • as_project (bool,optional) – Share as a team project, defaults to True when the item is a cloud folder else False

  • allow_reshare (bool,optional) – Allow recipients to re-share this item, defaults to True

  • allow_sync (bool,optional) – Allow recipients to sync this item, defaults to True when the item is a cloud folder else False


A list of all recipients added to the collaboration share

Return type:


Share with a local user and a local group.
- Grant the local user with read only access for 30 days
- Grant the local group with read write access with no expiration

alice = core_types.UserAccount('alice')
engineers = core_types.GroupAccount('Engineers')

recipients = []

alice_rcpt = core_types.ShareRecipient.local_user(alice).expire_in(30).read_only()
engineers_rcpt = core_types.ShareRecipient.local_group(engineering).read_write()

admin.files.share('Codebase', [alice_rcpt, engineers_rcpt])
Share with an external recipient
- Grant the external user with preview only access for 10 days
jsmith = core_types.ShareRecipient.external('').expire_in(10).preview_only()
admin.files.share('My Files/Projects/2020/ProjectX', [jsmith])

Share with an external recipient, and require 2 factor authentication
- Grant the external user with read only access for 5 days, and require 2 factor authentication over e-mail
jsmith = core_types.ShareRecipient.external('', True).expire_in(5).read_only()
admin.files.share('My Files/Projects/2020/ProjectX', [jsmith])
Share with a domain groups
- Grant the Albany domain group with read write access with no expiration
- Grant the Cleveland domain group with read only access with no expiration
albany_group = core_types.GroupAccount('Albany', '')
cleveland_group = core_types.GroupAccount('Cleveland', '')

albany_rcpt = core_types.ShareRecipient.domain_group(albany_group).read_write()
cleveland_rcpt = core_types.ShareRecipient.domain_group(cleveland_group).read_only()

admin.files.share('Cloud/Albany', [albany_rcpt, cleveland_rcpt])
CloudDrive.add_share_recipients(path, recipients)

Add share recipients


A list of all recipients added

Return type:



if the share recipients provided as an argument already exist, they will be skipped and not updated

CloudDrive.remove_share_recipients(path, accounts)

Remove share recipients


A list of all share recipients removed

Return type:



Unshare a file or a folder

Unshare a file or a folder
admin.files.unshare('My Files/Projects/2020/ProjectX')

Managing S3 Credentials#

Starting CTERA 8.0, CTERA Portal features programmatic access via the S3 protocol, also known as CTERA Fusion For more information on how to enable CTERA Fusion and the supported extensions of the S3 protocol, please refer to the following article <>.

The following section includes examples on how to instantiate an S3 client using the Amazon SDK for Python (boto3).

credentials = user.credentials.s3.create()  # if logged in as a user
# credentials = admin.credentials.s3.create(core_types.UserAccount('username', 'domain'))  # if logged in as a Global Admin

"""Instantiate the boto3 client"""
client = boto3.client(
      endpoint_url=,  # your CTERA Portal tenant domain
      verify=False  # disable certificate verification (Optional)

"""List Buckets"""
response = client.list_buckets()
for bucket in response['Buckets']:

"""Upload a file"""
client.upload_file(r'./document.docx', 'my-bucket-name', 'data-management-document.docx')

"""List files"""
response = client.list_objects_v2(Bucket='my-bucket-name')
for item in response['Contents']:
   print(item['Key'], item['LastModified'])

"""List files, using Pagination"""
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')
for page in paginator.paginate(Bucket='my-bucket-name'):
   for item in page['Contents']:
      print(item['Key'], item['LastModified'])

"""Download a file"""
client.download_file(r'./data-management-document.docx', 'my-bucket-name', 'data-management-document-copy.docx')

# for more information, please refer to the Amazon SDK for Python (boto3) documentation.