
Eager to get started? This page gives a good introduction in how to get started with the CTERA SDK and the Edge Filer APIs.

First, make sure that aiohttp is installed and up-to-date

Let’s get started with some simple examples.

Logging In#

Begin by importing the cterasdk module:

import cterasdk.settings
from cterasdk import Edge

Now, let’s login to the CTERA Edge Filer:

import cterasdk.settings
from cterasdk import Edge

def main():

    """By default, the Edge Filer uses a self-signed certificate.
    Therefore, we have to disable TLS/SSL verification to successfully login for the first time.
    cterasdk.settings.sessions.management.ssl = False  # disables TLS verification
    with Edge('') as edge:
        edge.login('admin-username', 'admin-password')

if __name__ == '__main__':


To ignore SSL errors, or log in using an IP address, use: cterasdk.settings.sessions.management.ssl = False

Now we have an authenticated edge session. We can now proceed to access the Edge Filer API’s.

edge.volumes.add('data')  # create a volume called 'data'
edge.services.connect('tenant.ctera.com', 'portal-usern', 'portal-user-pass')  # connect to the Portal
edge.cache.enable()  # enable caching

for share in edge.shares.get():  # get all shares
    print(share.name)  # print share name

If we combine the two examples above, we get the following result:

import cterasdk.settings
from cterasdk import Edge

def main():

    """By default, the Edge Filer uses a self-signed certificate.
    Therefore, we have to disable TLS/SSL verification to successfully login for the first time.
    cterasdk.settings.sessions.management.ssl = False
    with Edge('') as edge:
        edge.login('admin-username', 'admin-password')
        edge.services.connect('tenant.ctera.com', 'portal-user', 'portal-user-pass')

        for share in edge.shares.get():

if __name__ == '__main__':

A context manager is not mandatory but edge.logout() should be called in this case. And equivalnent example to the one given above:

import cterasdk.settings
from cterasdk import Edge

def main():

    """By default, the Edge Filer uses a self-signed certificate.
    Therefore, we have to disable TLS/SSL verification to successfully login for the first time.
    cterasdk.settings.sessions.management.ssl = False
    edge = Edge('')

    edge.login('admin-username', 'admin-password')
    edge.services.connect('tenant.ctera.com', 'portal-user', 'portal-user-pass')

    for share in edge.shares.get():

    edge.logout() # logout -- mandatory

if __name__ == '__main__':

Management API#

The Edge object features an api property used for accessing Core Methods of the Edge Filer API.


For optimal integration, it’s advised to utilize the modules provided in this SDK instead of the api property. In cases where a specific command or module is absent, please submit a feature request.

API.get(path, **kwargs)
hostname = edge.api.get('/config/device/hostname')  # Not recommended
hostname = edge.config.get_hostname()  # Recommended: using the config module and the get_hostname() command
API.get_multi(path, paths)
API.put(path, data, **kwargs)
hostname = edge.api.put('/config/device/hostname', 'edge-filesystem')  # Not recommended
hostname = edge.config.set_hostname('edge-filesystem')  # Recommended: using the config module and the set_hostname() command
API.add(path, param=None)
from cterasdk import Object

"""Not recommended way of adding a local user to an Edge Filer"""
user = Object()
user.username = 'alice'
user.password = 'secret-password'
user.fullName = 'Alice Wonderland'
user.email = 'alice.wonderland@acme.com'
user.uid = 501
edge.api.add('/config/auth/users', user)

"""Recommended way of adding a local user"""
edge.users.add('alice', 'secret-password', 'Alice Wonderland', 'alice.wonderland@acme.com', 501)
API.execute(path, name, param=None)
edge.api.execute('/config/cloudsync', 'forceExecuteEvictor')  # Not recommended: Start the cache eviction process (force)
edge.cache.force_eviction()  # Recommended
API.delete(path, **kwargs)
username = 'alice'
edge.api.delete(f'/config/auth/users/{username}')  # Not recommended: Delete the user 'alice'

edge.users.delete(username)  # Recommended

Data Types and Enumerators#

Certain modules require input parameters comprising of complex data types or values selected from predefined lists. Complex data types are available in edge_types module, while edge_enum offers a comprehensive list of options for closed selection. In the following example, we construct an access control entry (ACE) object using the edge_types and edge_enum modules. This access control entry is then used to create a share.

from cterasdk import edge_types, edge_enum

account_type = edge_enum.LG  # LG = Local Group
file_access = edge_enum.FileAccessMode.RO  # RO = Read Only

"""Create an access control entry for the ACME domain administrators group"""
domain_admins = edge_types.ShareAccessControlEntry(account_type, r'ACME\Domain Admins', file_access)

"""Create a CIFS/SMB network share allowing access to the ACME domain administrators group."""
edge.shares.add('acme-project', 'cloud/users/Service Account/acme-project', acl=[domain_admins])

Complex types and predefined lists that are shared across CTERA Drive, Edge, and Portal are in common_types and common_enum.

File Access#

The SDK features a file browser module for managing files.

edge.files.mkdir('The/quick/brown/fox')  # Creates the dir 'fox' in the following path: 'The/quick/brown'
edge.files.makedirs('The/quick/brown/fox')  # Creates the entire directory path recursively
edge.files.copy('cloud/users/Bruce Wayne/My Files/Documents', destination='cloud/users/Alice Wonderland/My Files')
edge.files.move('cloud/users/Bruce Wayne/My Files/Documents', destination='cloud/users/Alice Wonderland/My Files')
edge.files.download_as_zip('The/quick/brown/fox', ['document.docx', 'chart.xlsx', 'deck.pptx'])

Remote Access#

If you are not within the same network as your CTERA Edge Filer, you can use remote access if the Edge Filer is connected to the Portal.

Once connected to CTERA Portal, every Edge Filer is assigned a fully qualified domain name. The FQDN is comprised of the Edge Filer’s hostname and the address of the Portal it’s connected to.

To connect to an Edge Filer remotely:

edge_hostname = 'edge-hostname'
portal_address = 'tenant.ctera.com'
with Edge(base=f'{edge_hostname}.{portal_address}') as edge:
    edge.login('edge-admin-username', 'edge-admin-password')