cterasdk.core.directoryservice module#
- class cterasdk.core.directoryservice.DirectoryService(core)
Portal Active Directory APIs
- connect(domain, username, password, directory='ActiveDirectory', domain_controllers=None, ou=None, ssl=False, krb=False, mapping=None, acl=None, default='Disabled', fetch='Lazy')
Connect a Portal tenant to directory services
- Parameters:
domain (str) – The directory services domain to connect to
username (str) – The user name to use when connecting to the active directory services
password (str) – The password to use when connecting to the active directory services
ou (str,optional) – The OU path to use when connecting to the active directory services, defaults to None
directory (cterasdk.core.enum.DirectoryServiceType,optional) – The directory service type, deafults to ‘ActiveDirectory’
domain_controllers (cterasdk.core.types.DomainControllers,optional) – Connect to a primary and a secondary domain controllers, defaults to None
ssl (bool,optional) – Connect using SSL, defaults to False
krb (bool,optional) – Connect using Kerberos, defaults to False
list[cterasdk.common.types.ADDomainIDMapping],optional – The directory services UID/GID mapping
acl (list[cterasdk.core.types.AccessControlEntry],optional) – List of access control entries and their associated roles
default (cterasdk.core.enum.Role) – Default role if no match applies, defaults to None
fetch (str,optional) – Configure identity fetching mode, defaults to ‘Lazy’
- connected()
- disconnect()
Disconnect a Portal tenant from directory services
- domains()
Get domains
- Return list(str):
List of names of all discovered domains
- fetch(active_directory_accounts)
Instruct the Portal to fetch the provided Active Directory Accounts
- Parameters:
active_directory_accounts (list[cterasdk.core.types.PortalAccount]) – List of Active Directory Accounts to fetch
- Returns:
Response Code
- get_access_control()
Retrieve directory services access control list
- Returns:
List of access control entries
- Return type:
- get_advanced_mapping()
Retrieve directory services advanced mapping configuration
- Returns:
A dictionary of domain mapping objects
- Return type:
- get_connected_domain()
Get the connected domain information. Returns None if the Portal tenant is not connected to a domain
- Return str:
The connected domain
- get_default_role()
Retrieve the default role assigned when no access control entry match was found
- set_access_control(acl=None, default=None)
Configure directory services access control
- Parameters:
acl (list[cterasdk.core.types.AccessControlEntry],optional) – List of access control entries and their associated roles
default (cterasdk.core.enum.Role) – Default role if no match applies, defaults to None
- set_advanced_mapping(mapping)
Configure advanced mapping
- Parameters:
mapping (list[cterasdk.common.types.ADDomainIDMapping]) – List of domains and their UID/GID mapping range