Global Administration

Instantiate a Global Admin object

class cterasdk.object.Portal.GlobalAdmin(host, port=443, https=True)

Main class for Global Admin operations on a Portal

__init__(host, port=443, https=True)
  • host (str) – The fully qualified domain name, hostname or an IPv4 address of the Portal
  • port (int,optional) – Set a custom port number (0 - 65535), defaults to 443
  • https (bool,optional) – Set to True to require HTTPS, defaults to True
admin = GlobalAdmin('') # will use HTTPS over port 443


for any certificate related error, this library will prompt for your consent in order to proceed. to avoid the prompt, you may configure chopin-core to automatically trust the server’s certificate, using: config.http['ssl'] = 'Trust'

Logging in


Verification check to ensure the target host is a Portal.

GlobalAdmin.login(username, password)

Log in

  • username (str) – User name to log in
  • password (str) – User password
admin.login('admin', 'G3neralZ0d!')

Log out


Return the name of the logged in user.

Return str:The name of the logged in user

Core Methods, use_file_url=False)

Print a schema object as a JSON string.

GlobalAdmin.show_multi(path, paths, use_file_url=False)

Print one or more schema objects as a JSON string.

GlobalAdmin.get(path, params=None, use_file_url=False)

Retrieve a schema object as a Python object.

GlobalAdmin.put(path, value, use_file_url=False)

Update a schema object or attribute.

GlobalAdmin.execute(path, name, param=None, use_file_url=False)

Execute a schema object method.

GlobalAdmin.query(path, param)
GlobalAdmin.show_query(path, param)


Retrieve Portals


Get all tenants

Parameters:include_deleted (bool,optional) – Include deleted tenants, defaults to False
for tenant in admin.portals.tenants():

    print(, tenant.usedStorageQuota, tenant.totalStorageQuota)

Create a Team Portal

Portals.add(name, display_name=None, billing_id=None, company=None)

Add a new tenant

  • name (str) – Name of the new tenant
  • display_name (str,optional) – Display Name of the new tenant, defaults to None
  • billing_id (str,optional) – Billing ID of the new tenant, defaults to None
  • company (str,optional) – Company Name of the new tenant, defaults to None
Return str:

A relative url path to the Team Portal

"""Create a Team Portal"""


"""Create a Team Portal, including a display name, billing id and a company name"""

admin.portals.add('ctera', 'CTERA', 'Tz9YRDSd8LNfaouzr3Db', 'CTERA Networks')

Delete a Team Portal


Delete an existing tenant

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the tenant to delete

Recover a Team Portal


Undelete a previously deleted tenant

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the tenant to undelete



Retrieve the servers that comprise CTERA Portal.

To retrieve servers, you must first browse the Global Administration Portal, using: GlobalAdmin.portals.browse_global_admin()

Parameters:include (list[str],optional) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’]
"""Retrieve all servers"""

servers = admin.servers.list_servers() # will only retrieve the server name

for server in servers:


"""Retrieve multiple server attributes"""

servers = admin.servers.list_servers(include = ['name', 'connected', 'isApplicationServer', 'mainDB'])

for server in servers:



Local Users


List all local users

Parameters:include (list[str]) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’]
Returns:Iterator for all local users
Return type:cterasdk.lib.iterator.Iterator
users = admin.users.list_local_users()

for user in users:


users = admin.users.list_local_users(include = ['name', 'email', 'firstName', 'lastName'])

for user in users:

Users.add(name, email, first_name, last_name, password, role, company=None, comment=None)

Add a portal user

  • name (str) – User name for the new user
  • email (str) – E-mail address of the new user
  • first_name (str) – The first name of the new user
  • last_name (str) – The last name of the new user
  • password (str) – Password for the new user
  • role (cterasdk.core.enum.Role) – User role of the new user
  • company (str,optional) – The name of the company of the new user, defaults to None
  • comment (str,optional) – Additional comment for the new user, defaults to None
"""Create an end user"""

admin.users.add('bruce', '', 'Bruce', 'Wayne', 'G0th4amCity!')

Delete an existing user

Parameters:name (str) – The user name to delete
"""Delete a local user"""


Domain Users


List all domains

Return list:List of all domains
Users.list_domain_users(domain, include=None)

List all the users in the domain

Parameters:include (list[str]) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’]
Returns:Iterator for all the domain users
Return type:cterasdk.lib.iterator.Iterator
users = admin.users.list_domain_users('domain.ctera.local') # will only retrieve the 'name' attribute

for user in users:


"""Retrieve additional user attributes"""

users = admin.users.list_domain_users('domain.ctera.local', include = ['name', 'email', 'firstName', 'lastName'])


Fetch Users & Groups


Instruct the Portal to fetch the provided Active Directory Accounts

Parameters:active_directory_accounts (list[cterasdk.core.types.PortalAccount]) – List of Active Directory Accounts to fetch
Returns:Response Code
"""Fetch domain users"""

alice = portal_types.UserAccount('alice', 'domain.ctera.local')
bruce = portal_types.UserAccount('bruce', 'domain.ctera.local')

admin.directoryservice.fetch([alice, bruce])


Devices.device(device_name, include=None)

Get a Device by its name

  • device_name (str) – Name of the device to retrieve
  • include (list[str],optional) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’, ‘portal’, ‘deviceType’]

Managed Device

Return type:

ctera.object.Gateway.Gateway or ctera.object.Agent.Agent

Devices.filers(include=None, allPortals=False, deviceTypes=None)

Get Filers

  • include (list[str],optional) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’, ‘portal’, ‘deviceType’]
  • allPortals (bool,optional) – Search in all portals, defaults to False
  • deviceTypes (list[cterasdk.core.enum.DeviceType.Gateways]) – Types of Filers, defaults to all Filer types

Iterator for all matching Filers

Return type:


"""Retrieve all Gateways from the current tenant"""

filers = admin.devices.filers()

for filer in filers:

    print( # will print the Gateway name

"""Retrieve additional Gateway attributes"""

filers = admin.devices.filers(['owner', 'deviceConnectionStatus'])

"""Retrieve nested attributes using the '.' delimiter"""

filers = admin.devices.filers(['deviceReportedStatus.status.device.runningFirmware'])

"""Retrieve filers from all portals"""


filers = admin.devices.filers(allPortals = True)

"""Retrieve C200's and C400's from all portals"""


filers = admin.devices.filers(allPortals = True, deviceTypes = ['C200', 'C400'])
Devices.agents(include=None, allPortals=False)

Get Agents

  • include (list[str],optional) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’, ‘portal’, ‘deviceType’]
  • allPortals (bool,optional) – Search in all portals, defaults to False

Iterator for all matching Agents

Return type:


"""Retrieve all Agents from the current tenant"""

agents = admin.devices.agents()

for agent in agents:

    print( # will print the Agent name

"""Retrieve all Agents and the underlying OS name"""

agents = admin.devices.agents(['deviceReportedStatus.status.agent.details.osName'])
Devices.servers(include=None, allPortals=False)

Get Servers

  • include (list[str],optional) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’, ‘portal’, ‘deviceType’]
  • allPortals (bool,optional) – Search in all portals, defaults to False

Iterator for all matching Servers

Return type:


server_agents = admin.devices.server()
Devices.desktops(include=None, allPortals=False)

Get Desktops

  • include (list[str],optional) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’, ‘portal’, ‘deviceType’]
  • allPortals (bool,optional) – Search in all portals, defaults to False

Iterator for all matching Desktops

Return type:


desktop_agents = admin.devices.desktop_agents()
Devices.by_name(names, include=None)

Get Devices by their names

  • names (list[str],optional) – List of names of devices
  • include (list[str],optional) – List of fields to retrieve, defaults to [‘name’, ‘portal’, ‘deviceType’]

Iterator for all matching Devices

Return type:


Generate Activation Codes

Activation.generate_code(username, tenant)

Generate device activation code

  • username (str) – User name used for activation
  • tenant (str) – Tenant name used for activation

Portal Activation Code

Return type:


"""Generate a device activation code"""

code = admin.activation.generate_code('bruce') # will look for 'bruce' in the current tenant

code = admin.activation.generate_code('batman', 'gotham') # will look for 'bruce' in the gotham tenant


Read Write Administrator, granted with the “Super User” role permission, can generate 200 codes every 5 minutes

Code Snippets

Generate activation codes for all domain users

# ... login ...

users = admin.users.list_domain_users('dc.ctera.local') # obtain a list of domain users

for user in users:

    activation_code = admin.activation.generate_code( # generate activation code

    print((, activation_code))

# ... logout ...


To manage zones, you must be a Read Write Administrator

Retrieve a Zone


Get zone by name

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the zone to get
Returns:The requested zone
zone = admin.zones.get('ZN-001')

Create a Zone

Zones.add(name, policy_type='selectedFolders', description=None)

Add a new zone

  • name (str) – The name of the new zone
  • policy_type (cterasdk.core.enum.PolicyType,optional) – Policy type of the new zone, defaults to cterasdk.core.enum.PolicyType.SELECT
  • description (str,optional) – The description of the new zone
Policy Types:
- All: Include all cloud folders
- Select: Select one or more cloud folders to include
- None: Create an empty zone

"""Create a zone with a description"""

admin.zones.add('ZN-NYS-001', description = 'The New York State Zone')

"""Create a zone and include all folders"""

admin.zones.add('ZN-NYS-002', 'All', 'All Folders')

"""Create an empty zone"""

admin.zones.add('ZN-NYS-003', 'None', 'Empty Zone')

Add Folders to a Zone

Zones.add_folders(name, folder_finding_helpers)

Add the folders to the zone

Add the following cloud folders to zone: 'ZN-001'

1) 'Accounting' folder owned by 'Bruce'
2) 'HR' folder owned by 'Diana'

accounting = portal_types.CloudFSFolderFindingHelper('Accounting', 'Bruce')
hr = portal_types.CloudFSFolderFindingHelper('HR', 'Diana')

admin.zones.add_folders('ZN-001', [accounting, hr])

Add Devices to a Zone

Zones.add_devices(name, device_names)

Add devices to a zone

  • name (str) – The name of the zone to add devices to
  • device_names (list[str]) – The names of the devices to add to the zone
admin.zones.add_devices('ZN-001', ['vGateway-01ba', 'vGateway-bd02'])

Delete a Zone


Delete a zone

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the zone to delete


To manage the Cloud File System, folder groups, backup and cloud drive folders, you must be a Read Write Administrator

Create a Folder Group

CloudFS.mkfg(name, user=None)

Create a new Folder Group

  • name (str) – Name of the new folder group
  • user (cterasdk.core.types.UserAccount) – User account, the user directory and name of the new folder group owner (default to None)
"""Create a Folder Group, owned by a local user account 'svc_account'"""
svc_account = portal_types.UserAccount('svc_account')
admin.cloudfs.mkfg('FG-001', svc_account)

"""Create a Folder Group, owned by the domain user 'ctera.local\wbruce'"""
wbruce = portal_types.UserAccount('wbruce', 'ctera.local')
admin.cloudfs.mkfg('FG-002', wbruce)

admin.cloudfs.mkfg('FG-003') # without an owner

Delete a Folder Group


Remove a Folder Group

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the folder group to remove

Create a Cloud Drive Folder

CloudFS.mkdir(name, group, owner, winacls=True)

Create a new directory

  • name (str) – Name of the new directory
  • group (str) – The Folder Group to which the directory belongs
  • owner (cterasdk.core.types.UserAccount) – User account, the owner of the new directory
  • winacls (bool,optional) – Use Windows ACLs, defaults to True
"""Create a Cloud Drive folder, owned by a local user account 'svc_account'"""
svc_account = portal_types.UserAccount('svc_account')
admin.cloudfs.mkdir('DIR-001', 'FG-001', svc_account)
admin.cloudfs.mkdir('DIR-003', 'FG-003', svc_account, winacls = False) # disable Windows ACL's

"""Create a Cloud Drive folder, owned by the domain user 'ctera.local\wbruce'"""
wbruce = portal_types.UserAccount('wbruce', 'ctera.local')
admin.cloudfs.mkdir('DIR-002', 'FG-002', wbruce)

Delete a Cloud Drive Folder

CloudFS.delete(name, owner)

Delete a Cloud Drive Folder

  • name (str) – Name of the Cloud Drive Folder to delete
  • owner (cterasdk.core.types.UserAccount) – User account, the owner of the Cloud Drive Folder to delete
"""Delete a Cloud Drive folder, owned by the local user account 'svc_account'"""
svc_account = portal_types.UserAccount('svc_account')
admin.cloudfs.delete('DIR-001', svc_account)

"""Delete a Cloud Drive folder, owned by the domain user 'ctera.local\wbruce'"""
wbruce = portal_types.UserAccount('wbruce', 'ctera.local')
admin.cloudfs.delete('DIR-002', wbruce)

Recover a Cloud Drive Folder

CloudFS.undelete(name, owner)

Un-Delete a Cloud Drive Folder

  • name (str) – Name of the Cloud Drive Folder to un-delete
  • owner (cterasdk.core.types.UserAccount) – User account, the owner of the Cloud Drive Folder to delete
"""Recover a deleted Cloud Drive folder, owned by the local user account 'svc_account'"""
svc_account = portal_types.UserAccount('svc_account')
admin.cloudfs.undelete('DIR-001', svc_account)

"""Recover a deleted Cloud Drive folder, owned by the domain user 'ctera.local\wbruce'"""
wbruce = portal_types.UserAccount('wbruce', 'ctera.local')
admin.cloudfs.undelete('DIR-002', wbruce)